Smart Home Technology

How having a smart home can help make your daily routines a breeze and increase your home’s value.

Speaking of a breeze, check out this revolutionary smart home fragrance company!

Now let’s get started! You may have already heard of the term ‘smart home’ and might think of names like:

  • Google Home Assistant (aka Lenovo Clock)

  • Amazon Alexa (aka Echo Dot or Echo Show)

  • Smart Home Hub (GE’s Kitchen Hub or Samsung’s Family Hub Refridgerator)

  • Philips Hue light bulbs

  • Smart Window Shades (aka Lutron Serena Shades)

  • Door Locks, (there are tons!) etc

But what about the more advanced smart home technology? What about connecting them all together to work in sync with one another? What if the technology changes? Click one of the buttons below to learn about each individual smart home product or continue reading this blog to learn more.

How can smart home technology be integrated throughout your entire home? Look into these top names in the industry:

Always have a professional talk with you before making any structural or electrical changes. They can help you create an entirely new smart home eco-system.

Already have Control4? They’re offering 15% off when you upgrade on their website!


So how does this eco-system work?  If you’re starting with a brand new slate, you can have an ecosystem custom-built into your home that connects various objects through the Internet of Things or (loT).  According to Wikipedia, the IoT describes physical objects or groups of objects that are embedded with sensors, processing ability, software, and other technologies that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet or other communication networks.  The field is ever evolving due to the convergence of multiple technologies and is expected to grow more in the future.  You might have already heard of the term ‘smart home’ which basically is a “connected ecosystem”.  These include devices such as appliances, light fixtures, thermostats, home security systems, cameras, and other home appliances that support one or more common ecosystems and can be controlled via devices associated with that ecosystem such as smartphones and smart speakers.


One of the most popular rooms to incorporate smart home technology is the home theater! You’ll need to incorporate things like:

  • Projector Screens

  • Wired/Wireless Networks

  • Lighting Control

  • Audio Systems, etc.

Most of which is pretty complicated if you aren’t a certified expert. That’s why it is so beneficial to contact your local electrician or smart home specialist! Consider adding a custom home theater if your goal is to increase your home’s value!

Check out what Control4 has on their website for Home Theater Design!


But what about the kitchen? Have you thought about how smart home technology can be added in? It’s easier than you may think! Consider the following:

  • Update your Appliances to include the latest state-of-the-art features!

  • Update your faucets to have motion sensing or voice activation technology!

  • Include a smart speaker so that you can sync all of your appliances with voice activation!

What’s good to know is that you don’t have to completely remodel your entire kitchen layout to include the latest in smart home technology! Read my next blog post that goes more in depth about smart home technology in the kitchen!


Smart Bedroom Designs


Smart Home Kitchen